Kamala Harris Tried to Censor Video Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts

View Source |  Aug 9, 2024   |   11:36AM

Per newly resurfaced years-old undercover videos, executives at a regional branch of Planned Parenthood admitted to covering up illegal partial birth abortions that were committed in order to harvest and sell the body parts of unborn children.

The newly-released undercover footage, which Planned Parenthood sought to block for eight years, shows the organization’s Houston, TX branch describing delivering late-term fetuses intact and alive and mutilating the bodies afterwards to cover up violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law, in conversations about selling fetal body parts.

In the footage of two conversations filmed at the National Abortion Federation’s 2015 commercial trade show, undercover reporters posing as laboratory wholesalers speak with Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and Tram Nguyen, RN, the branch’s Vice President of Abortion Access.

The pro-life medical ethics group who exposed these shocking revelations also maintain that Planned Parenthood asked Kamala Harris – then serving as Attorney General of California – to seize the video eight years ago.

A 10-minute video posted by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) begins with a text screen stating that its footage was “taken from an undercover meeting with top-level Planned Parenthood abortion providers.”

The two executives “wanted to ‘move forward’ selling liver-thymus pairs for $1,600,” CMP wrote on X (formerly Twitter) Thursday morning.

In the video, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC) Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé graphically described an abortion conducted at her facility to an undercover journalist.

“I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix, and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not a PBA [partial-birth abortion],” she told him.

PPGC Vice President of Abortion Access Tram Nguyen also explicitly told the undercover journalist about steps the facility took to “avoid PBA.”

The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan wrote on X Wednesday night that she has “reviewed emails showing that then California Attorney General Kamala Harris had a much anticipated meeting with top Planned Parenthood officials in March 2016.”

“Two weeks later, her state DOJ agents raided pro-life journalist David Daleiden’s home,” Olohan continued, “looking for the videos that Planned Parenthood wanted.”

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