Transgender Pastor Claims God Created Man, Woman, and ‘Everyone Else’: A Controversial Take on Scripture

In a recent interview on CBS’s morning show, a so-called ‘transgender’ pastor made a bold theological statement, claiming that God created not only man and woman but also “everyone else,” a reference to individuals who do not fit within the traditional binary understanding of gender. The statement has sparked controversy, especially among Christians who hold to a traditional interpretation of the Bible and reject the ideology of transgenderism.

The interview began with a question from the CBS interviewer addressing the common Christian belief that God’s creation of man and woman is clearly defined in the Bible. “There are a lot of people who say that, according to the Bible, God created man and woman, and that couldn’t be more clearly defined,” the interviewer asked. “How do you respond to them?”

The pastor responded by challenging this biblical understanding, stating, “It’s hard to relate it to modern-day times because it wasn’t written for 2024. It was written for then. When we read in the scripture that God created man and woman, yes, and God created everyone else, as well.”

A Reinterpretation Rooted in Controversy

The pastor’s claim that God created “everyone else” alongside man and woman reflects a growing movement among progressive Christian circles to reconcile LGBTQ+ identities with biblical teachings. However, this perspective raises significant questions, particularly when one considers that transgenderism is a condition rooted in gender dysphoria, a psychological condition where individuals experience distress due to a mismatch between their biological sex and their perceived gender identity.

While some modern voices advocate for transgender identities as valid and innate, science itself affirms that sex is a biological reality determined at birth. Chromosomes, anatomy, and reproductive function define male and female as distinct categories, and no amount of surgery or hormonal intervention can change one’s biological sex. From a biological and theological standpoint, gender dysphoria represents a mental health condition rather than a legitimate expression of human diversity.

To suggest that God, who created the order and balance in nature, would endorse something as fundamentally disordered as transgenderism contradicts both science and scripture. In Genesis, we are told that God created male and female in His image—two distinct, complementary sexes intended for reproduction, companionship, and the foundation of family. Any attempts to redefine this divine creation, as progressive movements suggest, are simply unfounded and dangerously misleading.

The Biblical View on Gender and Sexual Morality

The Bible is explicit in its teachings about the proper boundaries of sexual behavior and identity. Not only does it affirm that God created male and female, but it also establishes clear guidelines for sexual morality. The Bible consistently condemns sexual deviance and promiscuity, which includes all forms of sexual behavior outside the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman. This is made clear in numerous passages, such as 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, which warns against sexual immorality, and Romans 1:26-27, which speaks specifically against homosexual acts as being contrary to nature and God’s design.

For centuries, the church has upheld these teachings, which are rooted in the belief that human sexuality is a sacred gift meant to reflect the order and beauty of God’s creation. Transgenderism and non-binary identities, which often come with the promotion of sexual fluidity, promiscuity, and deviation from biblical standards, are in direct conflict with this understanding. Embracing or promoting such lifestyles, as this pastor suggests, ultimately leads people away from the truth of scripture and down a path of spiritual confusion.

The Pastor’s Theological Claims

In the interview, the pastor attempted to argue that the Bible’s teachings on gender are outdated and not applicable to modern times. “God is far bigger than our limited understanding of gender,” the pastor said. “To say that God only created man and woman is to put God in a box. God’s creation is vast, and there is room for everyone—people who don’t fit into the binary of man or woman are just as much a part of God’s creation as anyone else.”

However, this perspective ignores the Bible’s clear and unchanging truth. While it’s true that the Bible was written thousands of years ago, God’s word transcends time and culture. The moral principles laid out in scripture apply just as much today as they did when they were first written. God’s design for human sexuality and gender was established from the beginning, and deviation from that design is presented in the Bible as a result of sin and brokenness in the world, not as something to be celebrated or affirmed.

The Response from Conservative Christians

Unsurprisingly, the pastor’s comments have drawn sharp criticism from conservative Christian leaders who adhere to the Bible’s teachings on gender and sexuality. Franklin Graham, a prominent evangelical figure, was quick to respond to the interview, stating, “The Bible is clear that God created two genders—male and female. This is not up for debate. To suggest that God created ‘everyone else’ is to distort the word of God. This kind of false teaching leads people away from the truth and causes confusion in the church.”

Other Christian leaders have expressed similar concerns, emphasizing that movements that attempt to blur the lines between male and female not only confuse individuals but also undermine the biblical foundation of family and marriage. The endorsement of such lifestyles has the potential to erode society’s understanding of morality and leave future generations without a clear sense of right and wrong.

Upholding Biblical Truth in a Confusing World

As society becomes increasingly accepting of ideas like transgenderism and non-binary identities, Christians must remain rooted in biblical truth. While compassion for those struggling with gender dysphoria is essential, compassion does not mean abandoning the clear teachings of scripture. We are called to speak the truth in love, helping those who are confused by the shifting sands of modern ideology find their identity and worth in God’s unchanging word.

It is vital to remember that our identity is found not in how we feel or how we choose to present ourselves but in being created in the image of God. To reject that identity in favor of a self-defined version is to reject the very essence of what it means to be human in the biblical sense.

The so-called ‘transgender’ pastor’s claim that God created “man, woman, and everyone else” represents a growing trend within progressive Christianity to reinterpret scripture to fit contemporary ideologies. However, this approach not only distorts the Bible’s clear teachings on gender and sexuality but also encourages people to embrace identities and lifestyles that are inconsistent with the truth of God’s word. While we must offer compassion to those struggling with gender dysphoria, we cannot affirm or celebrate what scripture defines as sexual deviance. As Christians, our call is to uphold the truth of God’s creation—man and woman, made in His image—and to lovingly guide those who are lost back to the narrow path of biblical righteousness.

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